понедельник, 8 октября 2018 г.

Types of Questions.5 типов вопросов в английском языке.

5 типов вопросов в английском языке 

Давайте представим разговор двух людей:

 - Привет! Как твои дела? 
- Все отлично. Начал учить английский язык. 
- Ого, классно. Ты на курсы ходишь или к репетитору? 
- На курсы. Ты тоже ходил на курсы, не так ли? 
- Да, ходил. Когда ты начал заниматься? 
- Месяц назад. Кто преподавал у тебя на курсах? 
- Русские преподаватели. Ты занимаешься с носителем? 
- Нет, я подумал, что мне рано заниматься с носителем.  

Как вы видите, в диалоге присутствуют различные вопросы. 
Их можно разделить на 5 типов: 
1. Общий вопрос (General question). Этот вопрос мы задаем, когда хотим узнать общую, основную информацию. (Ты занимаешься с носителем?) 
2. Специальный вопрос (Special question). Такой вопрос нам нужен для того, чтобы узнать определенную, конкретную информацию, которая нас интересует. (Когда ты начал заниматься?) 
3. Вопрос к подлежащему (Subject question). Его мы задаем, когда хотим узнать кто выполняет действие. (Кто преподавал у тебя на курсах?) 
4. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative question). Это такой вопрос, в котором дается выбор из 2-х вариантов. (Ты на курсы ходишь или к репетитору?) 
5. Разделительный вопрос (Tag-questions). Этот вопрос предполагает подтверждение какой-либо информации. (Ты тоже ходил на курсы, не так ли?)

Источник контента

пятница, 20 апреля 2018 г.

News. Text for Reading with Tasks.


 ”Why should I read newspapers and magazines? I get news on TV and radio.” You may have heard people say that. They don’t know that there is much more fun than just news in a newspaper or a magazine.You enjoy reading special articles about hobbies, home, sport, and movie stars. Maybe you’ll like comics. You read where to buy what you need at a lowest price, what happened yesterday in your town and around the world. Newspapers also tell you where to go for fun. They also tell you about shows and sports. Lots of events happen to people, and newspapers tell you what happened, who did it, where it happened, why it happened and how it happened.No one can read everything in the newspaper every day. But if you read a part of your newspaper every day, you will know a lot.The first American newspaper was published in Boston in 1690. Now lots of magazines and newspapers are published in the USA. They keep up with all the new discoveries and events that are happening every day and bring the world of events into your home.Magazines and newspapers can be divided into two large groups - mass and specialized. Mass magazines and newspapers are intended for large group of people, living in different places and having many different interests. Among them are newspapers and magazines for teachers, for cat lovers, for stamp collectors. In fact, there is a magazine and a newspaper to fit any interest.Most U.S. cities today have only one newspaper publisher. In more than 170 American cities, a single publisher produces both a morning and an evening newspaper. But some cities (fewer than 30) have different owners. The “New York Times,” “USA Today” and “Washington Post” can be read everywhere in the United States. Do you want to know the price? Today most sell for 45 cents or more a copy. Surprisingly, many people buy newspaper more for the advertising than for the news. Advertising accounts for 65 percent of newspaper revenues.
Here are some of the magazines you might read.
News magazines. “Time” and “Newsweek.” They come out once a week and give summaries of world and national news and background information on the news.
Digests. They are magazines that print articles that have already been published some- where else.
Fiction magazines. They print short stories. Two popular ones are “Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine” and “Fantasy and Science Fiction.”
Magazines for African Americans have articles about African Americans and news of interest to black persons. Some of them are “Sepia” and “Ebony.”
Women’s magazines deal with many subjects: family life, child care, health, home decorating, beauty, marriage, divorce, and do-it-yourself projects.  There are also advice columns, short stories and articles about famous women. Other magazines specialize in beauty, or other tips on face make-up and hair-does.
There are magazines for brides and for teenage girls.
Sports. “Sport Illustrated” is one of the most popular sports magazines.  It deals with amateur and professional sports.
If you are interested in model trains, antiques, sewing, cooking, crafts and magic, you can find some magazines for yourself. There are plenty of other magazines to choose from, too.

 Ex.1. Answer the questions.
  1. Do you and your family read newspapers and magazines?
2. What information can you find in them?
3. You read newspapers every day, don’t you?
4. Do you buy them or do you subscribe to them?
5. Many newspapers and magazines are published in Russia, aren’t they?
6. Do you know when the first Russian newspaper was published?
7. What are Russian newspapers that can be read everywhere in Russia?
8. What about the price of your local newspaper?
9. What are mass magazines and newspapers?
10. What magazine would you choose if you were interested in sports?
11. Do you personally have a newspaper or magazine to fit your interests?
 Ex.2. You know that papers and magazines have lots of sections. Read these headlines and try to guess what sections they belong to. 

1. New Plastic Surgery Miracles.
a) Section “Families” (in a newspaper).
2. Dieting? The pill you must take.   
b) “Midwest Living” (Everything about Midwest and Midwesterners).
3. Focus on Health.
c) TV and Cable Guide (magazine or newspaper)
4. Where Have All the Manners Gone?
d) “Woman’s World” or section “Health” in a newspaper.
5. 1,000 children get HIV each day, study says. (Brussels, Belgium)      
e) Section “Daily Briefing World.” in a newspaper.
6. Storm Tips.
f) “Cosmopolitan.”
7. Fireworks, Music And Fun on the Fourth.
g) “Woman’s World”(the Woman’s Weekly)
8. Don’t Touch That Phone! 

h) “Woman’s World” or section (How to Resist Calling Him First).
9. Roam Free in South Dakota.        
i) Weather.